VR Therapy


Winter Wonderlab

A VR experience created in collaboration between MassGeneral Hospital for Children and White Rhino. This virtual reality 3D art adventure, was coined “Winter WonderLab”. We not only created an escape for these incredible kids through VR but also realized a password protected website dedicated to sharing the unforgettable experiences the children and their families had over those two incredible days. https://winterwonderlab.com/

What WAS learned

VR is a powerful tool that can lead to many different therapeutic solutions yet to be discovered. Helping to imagine these possibilities was one of my directives. 

Next Steps

Developing VR gamefied experiences solutions on pain therapy & management.

Create profound differences and outcomes in therapeutic medicine.

Leverage game centric experiences with VR technology to create single and multi-player therapeutic based games.

Patients can experience profound differences in well-being through scientifically developed and carefully crafted shared VR game experiences that bind them to each other. Through achievement and universal leaderboard frameworks we can unify this subculture of patient medicine in ways that have yet to be fully realized.